Atlantis Infiniti Trip Information

Join Atlantis Infiniti, to explore the best of the Visayas and Tubbataha regions. Atlantis infiniti, hosting 25 divers, is equipped with the utmost safety features, spacious dive deck and excellent food, Please see more in our yacht feature page.

Tubbataha Reef

Tubbataha Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and only accessible by liveaboard three months out of the year. These pristine reefs, located 100 miles offshore, are protected by rangers year round and made up of North and South Atolls and Jessie Beazley Reef. Divers can experience wonderful visibility and some of the best diving the Philippines has to offer from March until June each year.

Visayas North

The Visayas are one of the three island groups in the Philippines, featuring incredible macro, stunning walls, whale sharks and thresher sharks. This itinerary is hard to beat if you want a wide variety of locations in a week. Easy cruises each evening will take you from one great dive site to another.

This Itinerary departs from our Dumaguete resort making it ideal for a resort extension with no additional transfers or mid-trip interruptions.

Visayas South

The Visayas are one of the three island groups in the Philippines, featuring incredible macro, stunning walls, whale sharks and thresher sharks. This itinerary is hard to beat if you want a wide variety of locations in a week. Easy cruises each evening will take you from one great dive site to another.

This Itinerary departs from our Dumaguete resort making it ideal for a resort extension with no additional transfers or mid-trip interruptions.

Infiniti Liveabord Route Map