Atlantis Dumaguete Garden
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Atlantis flowers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vestibulum sollicitudin blandit. Phasellus cursus, massa egestas scelerisque condimentum, ipsum lorem rutrum erat, ut fermentum elit felis non eros. Fusce et laoreet leo. Proin non tortor quis tortor vehicula venenatis.
Common name:
Lobster Claw Plant, False Bird-of-Paradise, Parrot’s Beak
Local name:
Parking area, along the main path in front of rooms 11-35, near the Camera Room door
There are several species of Heliconia in the resort, 8 as of last count. Their “flowers” are actually modified leaves (called bracts); the actual Heliconia flowers tend to be small and are sheltered within the bracts.
Alpinia purpurata
Common name:
Red Ginger
Local name:
All over the resort, along the main path
“I think the reason we have this all over the resort is because it’s so easy to grow! Once its flowers are past its prime, baby ginger plants develop along the flower’s base.”
Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Common name:
Dwarf Poinciana, Peacock Flower
Local name:
Parking area
Careful, this shrub has thorns. Some of the locals claim that young seed pods of this plant can be used for deworming kids.
Adenium obesum
Common name:
Desert Rose
Local name:
Calachuchi Bisaya
Near rm26; Southern corner of beachfront; swimming pool fountain
Wash your hands well after handling the pretty flowers of this plant. Your hands, and whatever you touch, will taste very bitter after touching it. The plant readily weeps sap (also extremely bitter) if its leaves are broken or if its stem and branches are nicked.
Lantana camara
Common name:
Common Lantana, Shrub Verbena
Local name:
Parking area; beside the swimming pool
The leaves of this shrub exude a very distinct scent if crushed. Its stem has bristly hairs and prickles, so please be careful when handling it. Farmers actually consider this plant a weed.
Gardenia jasminoides
Common name:
Common Gardenia, Cape Jasmine
Local name:
By the swimming pool; in between the Restaurant and rm1
When in full bloom, this pure white blossom has a delicate scent. Local florists use this flower as the centerpiece for garlands because of its beauty, scent, and non-allergenic properties.
Acalypha hispida
Common name:
Red Cat’s Tail, Chenille Plant
Local name:
Ikog sa Iring
In front of rm8
Chenille is the French word for caterpillar, which this plant’s flowers resemble. Like some caterpillars, this plant’s sap can also cause skin irritations.